2013 Legislative Agenda
Promoting Economic Independence of
Virginians with Disabilities through Employment
You can help us accomplish this Mission by your continued support of the Employment First Initiative that you supported during the last Session of the General Assembly.
You can help us implement this important initiative by your SUPPORT of:
Budget Items 330 1h, 2h, and 330 4s. If enacted fully these Long Term Employment Support Services funds can enable Employment Service Organizations to assist more than 1,000 individuals to maintain employment placements and become tax-payers and not tax users! This investment of $721,264 in FY 2013 and $1,271,759 in FY 2014 seems like a small price to pay to give these individuals the opportunity to become contributing members of the workforce.
Budget Items 307 #22h and #20s. This budget language will realign billable supported employment services paid through the Medicaid Waivers to make them consistent with the identical services paid through the Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services. This change will allow Employment Service Organizations to focus more on providing quality services to obtain meaningful careers for their clients instead of dealing administratively with two different billing systems.
Budget Item 330 2s. This investment of 2 million dollars will enable the Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services to pull down its federal allotment for Vocational Rehabilitation funding and begin serving over 2,000 clients waiting for services to enable them to go to work.